A wide array of high-quality skincare products artistically arranged in parallels and perpendiculars.

Serum or Moisturizer First? Setting the Right Order in Your Skincare Routine

Jul 18, 2024Lemon Beaker

In the world of skincare, there are countless products claiming to be the key to achieving a flawless complexion. From serums to moisturizers, it can be overwhelming to determine which products to use and in what order. One common question that arises is whether to apply serum or moisturizer first. This article seeks to delve into the science behind skincare order and debunk common myths, ultimately helping you set the right order in your skincare routine.

A wide array of high-quality skincare products artistically arranged in parallels and perpendiculars.

Understanding the Basics of Skincare Products

The Role of Serums in Skincare

Serums are concentrated formulations that contain a high concentration of active ingredients. Unlike moisturizers, which primarily focus on hydrating the skin, serums target specific skin concerns such as hyperpigmentation, fine lines, or acne. They are formulated to penetrate deeper into the skin, delivering potent ingredients directly to the target area.

When it comes to serums, there are various types available on the market, each catering to different skin concerns. For example, vitamin C serums are known for their brightening and antioxidant properties, while hyaluronic acid serums are great for hydrating and plumping the skin. Retinol serums are popular for their anti-aging benefits, helping to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and improve skin texture.

The Importance of Moisturizers in Hydration

Moisturizers, on the other hand, are designed to hydrate and nourish the skin. They typically contain a combination of humectants, emollients, and occlusives to attract and retain moisture, smooth the skin's texture, and create a protective barrier. Moisturizers are essential for maintaining a healthy skin barrier and preventing moisture loss.

Choosing the right moisturizer for your skin type is crucial for achieving optimal hydration. For dry skin, look for rich, creamy moisturizers with ingredients like shea butter or ceramides to deeply nourish and repair the skin barrier. If you have oily or acne-prone skin, opt for lightweight, oil-free moisturizers that won't clog pores but still provide adequate hydration. Combination skin may benefit from using different moisturizers on specific areas of the face to address varying needs.

The Science Behind Skincare Order

How Your Skin Absorbs Products

To understand the correct order of applying serum and moisturizer, it's important to understand how your skin absorbs products. The outer layer of the skin, known as the stratum corneum, acts as a barrier and prevents water loss. This layer is composed of dead skin cells and lipids, which play a crucial role in maintaining skin hydration. When skincare products are applied, they must penetrate this barrier to reach the deeper layers of the skin where they can be most effective.

Furthermore, the skin's ability to absorb products can be influenced by factors such as skin temperature, hydration levels, and the presence of other skincare products. For example, applying a hydrating toner before a serum can help prepare the skin to better absorb the active ingredients in the serum, enhancing its efficacy.

The Impact of Product Consistency on Application Order

The consistency of skincare products also influences the order of application. Generally, products with a thinner consistency, such as serums, have smaller molecules that can penetrate the skin more easily. On the other hand, thicker products, like moisturizers, have larger molecules and may form a barrier on the skin's surface, making it more difficult for products with smaller molecules to penetrate.

It's important to consider the texture and formulation of each product in your skincare routine to ensure optimal absorption and effectiveness. By layering products from thinnest to thickest consistency, you can help ensure that each product can penetrate the skin and deliver its intended benefits. Additionally, allowing each product to fully absorbed before applying the next can prevent pilling and maximize the benefits of each skincare product.

Debunking Common Skincare Myths

Myth: Thicker Products Should Always Be Applied Last

Contrary to popular belief, the thickness of a skincare product should not solely dictate its application order. While it is generally true that thicker products should be applied after thinner ones, it's important to consider the specific purpose of each product. For example, if you are using a serum with active ingredients to target specific concerns, it is recommended to apply it first to ensure maximum absorption. Moisturizer can then be applied to lock in the serum and provide hydration.

The time of day can also play a role in the order of application. For instance, during the daytime, it is crucial to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen as the final step in your skincare routine to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. This means that even if your sunscreen is thicker than your moisturizer, it should still be the last product you apply before makeup.

Myth: All Skincare Products Work the Same Regardless of Order

Another common myth is that skincare products work the same regardless of the order in which they are applied. However, the order of application can significantly impact the efficacy of the products. For instance, if you apply a moisturizer before a serum, the moisturizer could form a barrier on the skin's surface, preventing the serum from fully penetrating and delivering its benefits. It is crucial to follow the correct order to ensure each product can work optimally.

Furthermore, certain ingredients in skincare products can interact with each other if applied in the wrong order. For example, using a product containing vitamin C immediately after a product with niacinamide can reduce the efficacy of both ingredients. Understanding how different ingredients interact and the ideal order of application can help you maximize the benefits of your skincare routine.

The Correct Order of Applying Serum and Moisturizer

When to Apply Serum in Your Routine

As a general rule, serums should be applied after cleansing and toning, but before moisturizer. By applying serums to freshly cleansed skin, you allow the active ingredients to be fully absorbed without any barriers. Remember to allow the serum to fully absorb into the skin before proceeding with the next steps of your routine.

Serums come in various formulations targeting different skin concerns such as hydration, brightening, or anti-aging. Some serums contain potent ingredients like vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, or retinol, which can deliver powerful benefits to your skin. It's essential to choose a serum that suits your skin type and concerns for optimal results.

The Right Time for Moisturizer Application

After applying the serum, it's time to seal in all the goodness with a moisturizer. Gently massage the moisturizer onto your face and neck using upward motions. This will help lock in moisture and create a protective barrier, keeping your skin hydrated throughout the day or night.

Moisturizers play a crucial role in maintaining skin health by providing hydration and nourishment. They come in different textures such as creams, lotions, or gels to cater to various skin types. Look for moisturizers with ingredients like ceramides, glycerin, or shea butter to replenish and strengthen the skin's natural moisture barrier.

A dark-haired woman with glowing skin stands beside a lemon tree.

Tailoring Your Skincare Routine to Your Skin Type

Adjusting Your Routine for Dry Skin

If you have dry skin, it is important to choose hydrating serums and moisturizers that provide intense moisture. Consider incorporating products with ingredients like hyaluronic acid or ceramides, which help to attract and retain moisture in the skin. Additionally, apply a slightly thicker layer of moisturizer to ensure your skin stays hydrated throughout the day.

Dry skin can often feel tight, itchy, or even flaky due to a lack of natural oils. In addition to using hydrating products, incorporating a gentle exfoliator into your routine can help remove dead skin cells and allow moisturizers to penetrate more effectively. Look for exfoliators with ingredients like lactic acid or enzymes, which are gentle yet effective for dry skin.

Skincare Order for Oily Skin

For those with oily skin, it is essential to choose lightweight, oil-free serums and moisturizers to avoid clogging the pores. Applying a mattifying serum before your moisturizer can help control excess oil and keep shine at bay. Remember, hydration is still important for oily skin, so don't skip the moisturizer altogether.

Oily skin is often prone to breakouts and can appear shiny throughout the day. Consider using a gentle foaming cleanser with salicylic acid to help control oil production and prevent acne. Incorporating a clay mask into your routine once or twice a week can also help draw out impurities and reduce excess oil, leaving your skin looking clearer and more balanced.


In conclusion, the correct order of applying serum and moisturizer plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of your skincare routine. By understanding the basics of skincare products, debunking common myths, and tailoring your routine to your skin type, you can ensure that you are maximizing the benefits of each product. The expert crew at Lemon & Beaker can help you build your ideal skincare routine with guidance on when to use serum and moisturizer to optimize your skin’s health. Remember, consistency is key when it comes to skincare, so stick to your routine and enjoy the healthy glow of well-cared-for skin.

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