当社のブライトニング クリームは、4-ブチルレゾルシノール、牡丹花エキス、オリゴペプチド 68 の見事なブレンドです。
ヒマワリ種子油、モリンガ オレイフェラ種子油、ブチロスペルマム パークイ (シア) バター、シャクヤク花エキス、ダマスクバラ花油、メトロシデロス エクセルサ樹皮/葉エキス、マクロパイパー エクセルサム葉エキス、オタネニンジン根エキス、アラビカコーヒー (コーヒー) ) 種子エキス
95% より均一な肌*独立した臨床試験で判明
光沢が 43% 向上*独立した臨床試験で判明
汚染に対する DNA 保護が 28% 増加*独立した臨床試験で判明


I've been using the Lemon & Beaker brightening cream for a couple of years and just love how my skin feels & looks . Non greasy but moisturised.
love this moisturizer, light and soft
I love the texture of this cream! It absorbs into my skin really well and has great hydration. My skin feels soft and has a glow!
I like this cream, the texture is so soft and smells devine. Rose is my favorite oil.
Totally changed the texture and look of my skin. Pores have closed significantly due to the moisture soaking deep. Loving it!
Goes on easily and feels great.
This moisturizer is nice to use, has a pleasant smell, not over powering and absorbed well.
This product is so devine. I’m a sucker for rose essential oil and the fragrance of this is lovely. A little goes a long way but it doesn’t feel greasy at all on your skin. I’ll be looking at purchasing the other products in this range.
Lovely product and I love using it but my very dry skin would like to get a bit more. But I definitely like it as part of my skin-care.
I love this cream. Goes on so well and my skin feels great.