当社のハイドレーティング トナーは、肌の防御力を高めるための科学に基づいたアプローチです。シイタケエキス、ヒアルロン酸塩、セラミドなどの成分が肌の免疫反応を強化し、加齢や有害な紫外線曝露の影響と闘います。
モリンガ オレイフェラ種子油、ヒマワリ種子油、ダマスクバラ花水、フォルミウム テナックス葉エキス、マクロピパー エクセルサム葉エキス、キアテア メデュラリス葉エキス、ソフォラ ミクロフィラ樹皮および葉エキス、ダマスクバラ花油、エクリプタ プロストラータ エキス
56% の硬さの増加*独立した臨床試験で判明

科学的に裏付けられたシイタケの力から得られたレンチナン濃縮物であるレンティヌス エドデス エキスが含まれているため、皮膚の免疫細胞が活性化され、老化を引き起こすラジカルと戦うのに最適です。

エクリプタ プロストラータ エキスを配合することで、皮膚を超えて鎮静効果と鎮静効果をもたらします。
この天然成分は静けさの感覚を育み、穏やかで平和な考え方で 1 日を開始または終了するのに役立ちます。
From the very first application, I was captivated by this product. I now rely on it as a refreshing boost throughout the day, delivering a surge of hydration that leaves my skin looking radiant and dewy. This is especially crucial during the winter months, when the harsh cold outside and the dry heat indoors can leave my skin feeling parched and dull. The way it revitalizes my complexion is truly remarkable, and it's no surprise that it has secured a permanent spot in my collection for repurchase.
Learned about this toner from @Thisthatbeauty and purchased without question. This toner is so hydrating and smells absolutely lovely. I use it with the cleanser which compliment each other well. I can't remember the last time I was wowed by a hydrating product, I bought another bottle so I wouldn't run out!
At first I didn’t care for much for it but it was user error lol definitely use on damp skin , it truly had my skin glowing and hydrated.
The title says it all. This toner is fabulous. Smells, great, but don't let that scare you away my unscented girlies. I am the same, but love this toner. Feels great going on and your skin feels soft and hydrated. Gets better with regular use.
The Lemon and Beeker toning is very refreshing after using the Lemon and Beeker cleanser. They compliment each other very well.
Must use toner item!
An excellent experience and feel from this product. If you like the smell of roses. The aroma is lovely. My skin feels toned and hydrated.
Must use toner item!
My skin feels so soft and hydrated. I am happy to buy again.
The best toner, I’ve been using it for one year and I am having the best results! I’ve been also using it as a setting Mist and daily face mist!! Definitely the best :)